
Pesto alla genovese


Nothing beats the flavour of fresh, homegrown basil and there is no better way to put it to use than making pesto. More specifically pesto alla genovese (= pesto "the Genova way").

I tried to follow the traditional recipe as closely as possible but I obviously subbed the cheeses (Parmigiano and Pecorino) with a plant based alternative. The mock cheese that I chose is called Gondino, it is made in Italy and it tastes basically like Parmigiano (it is so close that you could be fooled)! In fact I highly recommend to use it if you want to recreate any italian recipe 😉

Traditionally, you would need to use a mortar but you can also use a food processor. I personally prefer the food processor since it is easier and less time consuming. 

Now let's look at the recipe!


Basil 75 g 
Parmigiano alternative (Gondino)150 g 
Garlic 1 clove
Pine nuts 24 g 
Extra virgin olive oil 150 mL
Salt to taste 


  1. To the mortar or the food processor bowl, add the clove of garlic and salt. Mash the garlic with the pestle until it is puréed
  2. Then it's time to add the basil leaves and grind them. If you are using the food processor use the function "pulse" until it is broken down (scrap it from the bowl walls as you go)
  3. Add the pine nuts and the cheese and keep grinding/pulsing
  4. At last add the oil and give it a final mix 

Now you can use this pesto to dress some pasta (like trofie, bavette etc..) but also salads, bruschette or whatever else your heart may desire!  

Fusilli al pesto
Fusilli al pesto 

I hope you enjoyed this recipe, let me know if you will try it 😊